Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Current Event on 8th Amendment: Botched Lethal Injection

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Who: Joseph R. Wood III
What: Wood was a death-row inmate, and was executed through lethal injection in Arizona. However, the execution lasted 2 hours, and Wood was "gasping and struggling" in pain throughout the 2 hours before he finally died. His lawyer filed an emergency stay, but Wood died before a decision was made. Now people are saying this violated Wood's Constitutional protection from cruel and unusual punishment. Wood was supposed to be entitled to information regarding where the drugs used would come from, and qualifications of the suppliers. The State, however, decided to withhold this information.
When: July 26, 2014
Where: Arizona
Why Does it Matter? This matters because it was not the first but the third execution through lethal injection this year where the execution took longer than it was supposed to and the prisoner showed signs of suffering. This definitely breaks the Constitution's 8th Amendment claiming the protection against cruel and unusual punishment, but it can't be proved without information on the drugs used in the executions and who the suppliers of these drugs are. However, the State decides to withhold this information from us by enacting laws to conceal their supplier's identities. Some people think it fair that the criminal goes through pain and suffering in their execution if they caused pain and suffering to others.

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