Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Person of the Month: Black History

 Harriet Tubman
What: Harriet Tubman was a Civil Rights activist during the Civil War period, who freed over 300 slaves through use of the Underground Rail Road, and continued campaigning for the rights of colored people and freed slaves until her death.
When: 1820's to 1913
Where: Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and several other states in the east and south.
Why: Harriet Tubman is a brave woman who spent most of her life working to gain Civil Rights for all people; colored and white, slaves and free people, men and women alike. Born into slavery, she is very admirable for successfully escaping slavery and freeing several other slaves during her time. Not only did she make an impact helping slaves escape, but bravely acted as a Union spy during the Civil War, and continued to campaign for equal rights no matter what hardships were thrown her way.

For more information, you can find an article on Harriet Tubman here:

Monday, February 2, 2015

Person of the Week

Who: Julia Child
What: She was a famous TV chef and cookbook author, who influenced American cooking by introducing French cuisine to Americans in her book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.
When: Julia was born August 15, 1912 and died in August, 2004
Where: She was born in Pasadena, California, and lived in California most of her life. During World War II, she went to live in Washington DC, and then to Paris, France, where she learned French cooking from master chef Max Bugnard.
Why: Julia Child was a great influence on American cuisine and how we cook today. With her vastly popular television shows and cookbooks, she taught America how to cook complicated meals in a simpler way. She taught us about French food in particular, which inspires the creations of many American chefs today, whether they be professionals or home cooks. Julia brought French cuisine to America, and made the food approachable for others to cook.

Link to Julia's biography given below, along with a video on the website :)